Annual Hive Management Program

Enjoy the magic of bees at your home, school, community garden, or farm without any personal management responsibility! Locations must be pre-approved as pollinator friendly to enroll.

Annual Hive Management Includes:

The Annual Hive Management Program includes all care that your bees would need throughout one year. Cost of bees (package, nuc, swarm) and hive body not included.

  • Initial consultation to ensure habitat is appropriate for supporting honeybees

  • Hive Set Up (cost of hive body not included)

  • Bee Installation (it is your responsibility to purchase bees whether they be a package/nuc from another company, or a swarm through me for an additional $150)

  • Pest Prevention measures (yellow jackets)

  • 1-2 Monthly Visits during the active Bee Season to monitor colony health

  • Winterizing

Pricing begins at $1000 (varies depending on number of hives)